Craig’s protection top tips: Protecting your customers
It’s 2020, the start of a new year and a new decade. This brings with it fresh opportunities, a clean start and a chance to hit the ground running to achieve all of your goals for the next 12 months. Craig Bryce, gives you his top tips for selling protection in 2020, so you can make sure that your customers are always suitably protected.
1: Process
My first tip is probably the easiest one to implement. Make protection a part of your mortgage selling process. Always introduce yourself as a Mortgage and Protection Adviser on your initial appointment and make sure you’re talking about protection throughout the whole process. Leaving it until after the mortgage is completed isn’t going to work and could leave your customers under-protected.
2: Don’t product dump
Most customers probably won’t know what CIC, IP and other protection jargon means, let alone what they do, so my second tip is not to product dump. Have a conversation about their lifestyle and their hobbies and ask how they’d hope to maintain that lifestyle if they or their partner got seriously ill? Then you can find the solution that works best for them!Craig Bryce, National Account Manager for Protection
3. Protection chat
While it’s incredibly important to make sure that you’re talking about protection throughout the entire mortgage process, it’s also important to book in some time to talk solely about protection. Whether that’s face to face or over the phone, having some time dedicated to talk just about protection highlights how important it is – don’t just think of it as an afterthought.
4. Bonus GI Tip:
QuoteAdvising on your customer’s general insurance needs is a great way to make sure you’re providing them with a complete holistic service, so my bonus GI tip would be to quote! Get into the habit of quoting for GI every time. L&G Smart Quote now gives your client a quote in just one question which makes it incredibly easy to ensure your customers are suitably protected.
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